Monday, September 21, 2009

I was Black before I took office?!

What in the hell is he talking about? On Monday night President Obama, once again trying to buy support, was on the always crappy "Late Show with David Letterman". He pointed out to us really stupid Americans that he was black before he took office. Duh..... We already know this Mr. President! Your buddys in the media remind us all of the time. Any person showing opposition to you, your administration or your policy is called a racist. Frankly, nobody cares what color you are. Most of us (55% the last time I checked) think you are a bad President. I for one hoped that the election of the first black president, even a bad one at that, would finally end the race discussion. But, it has only seemed to increased it. Let's drop the race and get to the nuts and bolts! Is anyone supprised that Letterman brought the topic up? Was he asked to by the presidents handlers? What are you people so scared of?!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

"You Lie"

Rep. Joe Wilson, much like the rest of us, had heard enough. He called out the President. During Obama's address to the join houses. Wilson from South Carolina let the Commander and Chief know, he had heard enough. Anybody who has looked into what the "actual" proposal could tell you Barack was lying, in fact he did several times. So, the question I ask you is. Should Wilson have yelled it out during the speech? Yes, enough is enough let him have it. Or, no that is not the time or the place, it doesn't help the cause. How do you feel? Let me hear it!