Monday, April 23, 2012

More Hypocracy

"Perhaps it would be in the interests of a complete and thorough and fair investigation not to make determinations about the conclusions of an investigation before they've even been reached, That's the president's position." These are the words of Jay Carney, Chief Spokesman for President Obama. Regarding the recently exposed Secret Service scandal.

What I find interesting is that no statement was made like this,by the same White House, in regards to George Zimmerman.

1 comment:

LadyLiberty said...

There will only be a comment from the White House when it fits their agenda. Let's not forget when PBO himself said, "The Cambridge police acted stupidly.", when referring to the Professor Gates "break in". This president will always use the RACE AND DIVIDE method to propel his leftist agenda... Wake up America and smell the rotten odor of polical irony!