Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bills Calls for Halt of Aid to Egypt and Libya

BLOOMINGTON, MN — Today Kurt Bills renewed his call to eliminate aid to Egypt and Libya, where in separate incidents yesterday US diplomatic compounds were invaded by Islamists.

J. Christopher Stevens, the Ambassador to Libya, was killed along with 3 others Americans, including 2 US Marines. Militants burned the American flag in Egypt, replacing it with their own militant flag after storming the embassy unhindered by Egyptian authorities.

Bills released the following statement regarding the incidents:

“Obama’s Middle East policies supported by Klobuchar are clearly not working.”

“Nobody should think they can attack Americans with impunity. And Americans shouldn’t apologize after suffering such an attack.”

“I believe our foreign aid to hostile countries should be eliminated. It’s just common sense.”

“The US sends $1 1/2 billion dollars a year to Egypt, even though the country is hostile to America. That is $1 1/2 billion in debt from China our children will have to repay. That should stop. Today,” said Bills.

Bills also called for the elimination of aid to other countries both hostile to the US and oppressive to their own citizens, such as Pakistan and Somalia. The Pakistanis are persecuting the doctor who helped the US find and kill bin Laden, while the Somalis are systematically killing their citizens in the Ogaden.

Egypt and Pakistan are the 2nd and 3rd largest recipients of foreign aid.

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