Wednesday, October 10, 2012

So very impressed.............yet so unimpressed.

Last night the "League of Woman Voters" hosted a candidate forum in North Branch.  Senate 32, House 32B, County Commissioner and School Board.  Here is how I sum up the evening.

1. First group, Commissioner Candidates, was a mix of candidates from 3 different districts.  Trulson vs. Walker.  Smisson vs. Robinson and George McMahon flying solo.  We can rule out McMahon from the beginning.  All though he comes across as a nice guy,  he did not add much to the content and was uncontested at the event.
Smisson did well, he gave some indication of what he would like to implement and change.  No specifics but, time did not allow for that.  He does appear to have a plan.  Robinson, easily the most entertaining of the group. Rough around the edges, not much of a public speaker.  His humor may have been a displacement of his being uncomfortable.  He seems very genuine of his intent for the county but, essentially it is the same plan as the last 10 years.  The edge goes to Smisson.  A vision of a fresh plan and doing it in a short term is refreshing and not the norm within the Commissioner group traditionally.
Walker came accross as disinterested.  Although her message was not much different  than Robinson, her delvery was much weaker.  Nothing new with her.  She was very hard to hear and sometime hard to comprehend.  Trulson however was quite the opposite.  His delivery was very much that of a politician, clear, confident and direct.  His primary focus was on inclusion and working with other.  He presented himself the best. 

I place the candidates in this order: Trulson, Smisson, Robinson, McMahon and Walker.  (If you do not agree reply, if you didn't go you do not have an opinion)

I rate the questions: C+

2.  The second group included both the Senate and House Candidates.  The entire group recieved the same questions.  Barrett vs. Olseen. Nienow vs.Noordergraf.
This one is very easy to sum up.  Rather than compare each of the races lets cut to the chase.  Noordergraf has no place on a stage with people who are educated in the affairs of politics.  Her understanding of any of the issues is weak, at best.  Her delivery is one that creates an uncertainty of her abilities.  While she may be a great "horse person"  she has aboslutely no place in public service.  Her inablility to complete a thought or to articulate clealyr would greatly concern me in a role to fight for our Senate District.  The DFL really missed the mark with this endorsement.  A bad as she was, Nienow was on the oposite side of the planet.  If our President was present to witness, he would have been happy to be facing Romney last week.  The fact that it was not a debate may have saved her from further embarrasssment.  Nienow does owe some credit to his partner in the House.  Barrett did a fantastic job lobbing the ball for Nienow to hit out of the part.  What a fantastic and unique relationship Chisago resisdents benefit from.  Barrett's answers were only hurt by the poor layout of the program.  His ability to paint a picture (with facts) really allows his constituants to get an understanding of the work he does in St Paul.  The League seriously needs to reconsider this format in future programs.  Olseen, more of the same.  I did this,  I did that.  Nothing really telling what he could or could not do considering his past experiences.  He was also lucky it was not a debate.  Trying to take credit for "JOBZ" when he voted to defund it was laughable and easy pickings if Barrett had been allowed.

I place the candidates in this order: Nienow, Barrett, Olssen and Noordergraf

I rate the questions: B- ( however, the format is wrong)

3. School board, boy oh boy.  I will be as nice as possible.  The questions were plain terrible.  It did not allow for the audiance to a get a real feel for the candidates.  It actually may have been a disservice to them.  I heard the words "Ambassador and Proud" more than I ever hope to again in my entire life.  Several of the people on stage turned it into a teacher posterior kissing party.  Yikes, those folks hopefully do not get elected.  The school board is the decision making body representing the public/taxpayer not one's to make the teachers feel warm and fuzzy.  As difficult as the program was  I will give a rating.

I place the candidates in this order: MacMillan, Salo, Orf and Bernier ( I would only vote for the last two based on responses, the first two articulated themselves well although I disagreed with them often)

I rate the questions: F-

While I will admit I am biased, I will give credit where it is due.  I place myself in the "lucky" category to be a supporter of the clear winners in the forum.  Had they not been the leaders last night this would have been a much harder entry to write.  I guess I can take a breath now!

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